Communicating in relationships according to linguists, psychologists, and writers.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Communicating in a relationship can be challenging and must be approached in a particular way. Many problems can be created without the proper kind of communication, including misunderstandings, which can lead to fights or arguments. By following some simple guidelines set by linguists, psychologists, and writers, such as Susan Page, Deborah Tannen, and John Gray, couples can learn to understand each other, therefore having healthy relationships with one another. As Susan Page states, "The quality …

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…of each other. Once you can fully acknowledge the differences between men and women, you can begin to move towards a wonderful relationship with fewer problems and arguments. Also, these skills could not only help with couples, they could also help with relationships with friends, co-workers, or acquaintances. If you go by these guidelines every time you need them and you continue to practice them, they will eventually become natural in the way you communicate.