Commemorating veterinarians

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
I'm sure that many of you have a dog, cat, or other animal that you love as much as if it were a child. Now imagine working outside, and the only sound is birds singing in the trees. The next thing you hear is the sound of a car screeching to a halt as it slams on the brakes. You look up in time to see your dog being knocked to the ground as the …

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…feels. In conclusion, veterinarians play an important role in everyday life, and specialize in treating animals. They may be asked to work in many different places and environments. There is an incredible amount of education and training involved with this profession, whether it is an emergency situation or a yearly exam and vaccines, veterinarians do it all. Being a veterinarian is very difficult and puzzling at times, but it always pays off in the end.