Comedy techniques which were explained by Rowan Atkinson and then used in "Dads army".

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Discuss three comedy techniques which were explained by Rowan Atkinson and then used in Dads army" Comedy is a part of life displayed naturally in daily tasks and professionally in movies and theatres. Comedy has so many types, the most prominent of which is visual comedy. There are various comedy techniques displayed in Dads army, which were explained in Funny business. Visual comedy plays a significant part in forming the basis which Dads army revolves …

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…the audiences' expectation. The effectiveness of the use of clothes was important in making the scene more appealing. The way of applying this type of comedy was simply through the clothes being worn in the wrong situation. There are various comedy techniques displayed in Dads army, which were explained in Funny business. Visual comedy plays a significant part in Dads army as well as physical, verbal comedy and the use of clothes. By: Theo Saidden