Cold War. Who was responsible for the failure of meaningful nuclear arms talks? Referenced directly to Ronald E. Powaski book "March to Armageddon"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Everyone said that they wanted limits on nuclear arms. So who was responsible for humankind's failure to impose any meaningful limits on them? Was it the American military, the presidents, leaders of Congress, the public, their Soviet or even West European counterparts? In reality, the true 'villains' of the story were the military and their conservative allies. These groups and their use of aggression, intimidation, power politics and nuclear diplomacy (initially brought about by the …

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…military spending was curbed and restricted to what was necessary, America would go bankrupt and become a garrison state. Furthermore, it can be argued that this is exactly what the Soviets were aiming at. They wished to drain US funds that were already enormously appropriated to the wars in the Third World, Korea and Vietnam. Sadly, this goal had the possibility of being achieved from inside the United States government without any direct Soviet interference.