Cloning, Right or Wrong? The Pros and Cons

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Cloning <Tab/>Cloning: The production of genetic copies and Clones: A group of genetically identical organisms. Ever since the belief that cloning was a possibility, and especially since it has been developed, it has been a major conflict in the ethical world of values. There are many different pros and cons to this issue. <Tab/>The pros to the coning of human beings are the ability to …

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…or any cloning for that matter. They do not have enough research to back it up; I mean that they do not have a very high percentage of good outcomes and/or survivals. Since we are producing more than enough offspring naturally, why do we need to find a way to produce even more? This is a very serious matter because we are dealing with human lives and not some plastic toy off the shelf.