Cloning: An Ethical Debate

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
"CLONING: AN ETHICAL DEBATE" Cloning technology continues to capture widespread attention by the international news media and biomedical and agricultural industries. Recently, a major breakthrough has occurred in scientific research, the mapping of all DNA in a human gene is complete. All this revolution in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away. Human cloning has always been an issue of controversy. I believe …

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…physical evidence proving the existence of the babies so we cannot assume the credibility of human clones existing in our world today. In conclusion, human cloning may someday bring us new possibilities of human life in our planet, but I am strongly against the idea of human cloning. We must all take action and preserve human dignity and individuality before it is taken away from us in the form of the creation of human clones.