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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Many people today when they think of cloning they think of Science and exact copies of people or what ever is cloned. This is called twining (cloning fact sheet) and many times is the case but, Cloning by definition is to create an organism a sexually and people where cloning plants before they knew the scientific part about it. Now that you know the definition you will be able to understand it better and realize …

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…to be in the future (Jeferson 34). That's about where cloning technology has scientifically and metrically advanced to and where it is to day. Cloning like I said before started at the beginning of the earth. Its come a long way from that and cloning trees with sticks. Know we are thinking about cloning people and have cloned things from microscopic organisms to sheep. So as you can see cloning has scientifically come a long way.