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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Cloning Cloning is a form of genetic engineering in which the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of a person, animal ,plant or bactirium is used to produce a perfect or near perfect genetic replica of the original...meaning a new individual is created from a single cell. Despite its relativaly new introduction to science it has become the center of controvercy in the scientific world. public interest in cloning spurred since the cloning of dolly the sheep …

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…enough food so that even the worlds poorest can afoord. Plants can also be cloned giving big amounts of crops in relativly small amounts of time again helping to end the suffering of starving families. In conclusion cloning is an effective method to cure disease, create human organs, battle starvations and help save species from extinction. Cloning has many positive effects that outnumber the negative ones, cloning will benifit man kind in years to come.