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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The possibility of human cloning, raised when Scottish scientists at Roslin Institute created the first successful animal clone of a sheep, "Dolly." Cloning refers to copying genes and other pieces of chromosomes to generate enough identical material for further study. Two other types of cloning produce complete, genetically identical animals. Blastomere separation (sometimes called "twinning" after the naturally occurring process that creates identical twins) involves splitting a developing embryo soon after fertilization of the egg …

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…will be the scientists.However some of the pros of cloning are that we might have a further understanding of our past.(evolution, creating, big bang, etc.) Also organ transplant waiting lists will be no more. Is cloning immoral, as it is being pursued today? For the most part, I Think so. Most of the reasons given are wrong or unwise. So I think that there just needs to be more research on cloning done.