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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Cloning, the scientific reproduction of cells, could be a helpful discovery for the world, yet it may be the most disastrous, one eventually destroying all of mankind as we know it. Researchers are devoting much time to studying the cloning human beings, while animal cloning is currently underway in the United States. Already, pigs, mice, and adult sheep have been successfully cloned. ( the.htm) There is no doubt that many problems …

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…to cloning, is a subject to study at a very slow and thorough rate. The efficiency of cloning humans is nowhere near safe standards. The world is definitely not ready for cloning. From a Christian viewpoint, nor do we need to take the place of God and create life. The risks of cloning surely outweigh the benefits. That is why human cloning should be banned until further proof of quality and efficiency can be shown.