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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Many arguments have been brought forth against cloning. Some have put forth valid arguments stating the immorality of cloning. Others just get bad vibes when it comes to the idea of cloning humans. Still others use the religion argument saying it goes against God's intention. These arguments are well founded but are just people's opinions and/or beliefs which don't account for everyone's. My personal belief is that cloning is good for everyone. I m …

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…Cloning humans isn't the immoral, binger of death and destruction that many envision it to be. Instead it is a harbinger of good to mankind. Mankind will greatly benefit from cloning if it were legalized. There will be no barren couples or patients dying from a lack of spare organs. Also, the cloning of ourselves will help us better understand our bodies and how to improve upon it bringing us one step closer to immortality.