Claude Monet.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Claude Oscar Monet was born November 14, 1840 in Paris, France. The initiator, advocate, and leader of the Impressionist style, Claude Monet's many works of art serve as the definition of the Impressionist's artwork. His father, Adolphe Monet, a grocer in Paris, brought the family to Le Havre when Claude was five. Struck by the constantly changing sea and sky on the coast, Claude would go on to put these onto a canvas. Before this however, he …

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…studies of objects. Some of his subjects included haystacks, poplar trees, the facade of Rouen Cathedral, the Seine at Giverny, and view of the River Thames and the Houses of Parliament. But after 1890 his main subject was the lily pond in his backyard. Monet died December 5, 1926. Behind him he left his works and a new style of art - impressionism. SOURCE: Roskill, Mark. "Monet, Claude." 2002 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. New York City: Grolier Interactive, Inc., 2001. CD-ROM.