Claude Monet.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
CLAUDE MONET When French impressionist printers are talked about, Monet is always on the top of the list. Growing up in France put him in contact with many artists. Several of these artists helped influence his many paintings. His art style called impressionism became very will known and his paintings today are worth millions of dollars and are found throughout museums around the world. Claude Monet was born November 14, 1840 in Paris, France. He grew up …

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…work impressionist because it seemed sketchy and unfinished, like a first impression and because one of Monet's paintings had borne the title, Impression: Sunrise. Monet's paintings are famous and can be found in museums around the world. Among the best known of these series which were exhibited in groups, are the Haystacks (1889-1891), Poplars on the Epte (1890-1891), Rouen Cathedral (1894), Mount Kolsaas, Norway (1895), Views of the Thames, London (1899-1904) , and Scenes of Venice (begun in 1908).