Civil Rights

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Essay Database > History
Essay: Trace the development of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Explain why it became more radical and violent in the 1960s. What changes occurred in the motives, assumptions, and leadership of the movement? The Civil Rights movement has been a debate that has plagued America since the its conception with slaves first appearing to the New World in 1619. The debate over the rights of slaves became even more explosive in the 1850…

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…groups had toward Vietnam War gained much sympathy. However, with the end of the Vietnam War, the protests died, and eventually the Black Power movement died. Because of their extreme violence, the government made many programs such as Cointelpro to monitor the Black Power groups such as the Black Panthers. Despite the tremendous revolutions that occurred in the areas of Civil Rights during the fifties and sixties, racism still exists in one for or another.