Citizen Kane 2

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Orson Welles' epic Citizen Kane, is not only of the greatest movies ever made, but also a good example of Hollywood style direction. Welles employed his creative tools, such as lighting and sound, camera movement and editing, a movie that did not only represent the theater world of its time, but also set an example for future generations of filmmakers and directors. Some of the striking stylistic elements of Citizen Kane include its expressionistic use …

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…backlighting. Citizen Kane is a landmark of modern moviemaking in its technical virtuosity and innovative cinematic expression. The emotion packed story of Charles Foster Kane, goliath of the publishing world, is told with dynamic editing and expressionistic lighting. Camera angle and perspective are manipulated imaginatively to draw the viewer into Kane's world. The usage of his directing skills such as lighting, sound, camera, and editing, set a great example that young filmmakers still follow today.