"Cinderella" - The Ideal Woman

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Essay Database > Entertainment
The Ideal Woman Perrault's "Cinderella" is a fairytale which endorses a variety of communal beliefs and values, reflecting the context of society in which it was written in. One of these values significantly developed in the text is the concept of the "ideal" woman, portrayed in the central character of Cinderella embodying all the characteristics of what is considered the epitome of the female role. Cinderella's beauty, kindness and tender nature are the qualities which …

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…girl but Cinderella would have made horrid tangles of their hair after that, out of spite; but she was kind, and resisted the temptation." Perrault juxtaposes the actions of any other girl with Cinderella's actions to contrast her humanity, compassionate and gentle nature, a model of the lovingness of womanhood and playing as a metaphor for motherhood. This kindness is further emphasizes as she accepts her sister's apologies and arranged their marriages to great lords.