Ciggarettes And Syringes - Gonzo Journalism The grade is no lie I got A* full marks for this work.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
At the time in which this is set I had quit intoxicants for the last four months previous, mainly because of serious flashbacks and paranoid delusions involving God and myself, who had it in for me in a big way. This was a major factor in my decision to go clean for a while, especially when having God opposed to your existence you is such a hard time after being an atheist most of your …

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…a good one. I returned to my room which contained, un-noticed to my previous attention, a purple bean bag chair. Some basic sub-conscious instinct told me to search my pockets. This produced a spoon covered in chocolate, an assortment of jellybeans, a lighter and a soggy joint. I sparked the joint, lay back in the chair and chilled in my space… And tried to figure out how the hell I was gonna pay Kingfisher back.