Christopher Marlow's life and work

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Christopher Marlowe has been identified as the most important of Shakesphere's predecessors. "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" remains the most celebrated and most often anthologized of Marlowe's plays. Christopher Marlowe was born in Canterbury, England, on February 6, 1564. Marlow is the eldest son of John Marlowe a Shoemakers Guld and Katherine Arthur, a Dover girl of yeoman stock. Christopher Marlowe was baptized at St. George's Church, Canterbury on February 26, 1564. Christopher's intermediate and extended family had …

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…his right eye. It is difficult to underestimate the poetic and dramatic achievements of Marlowe. Although his career was short, Marlowe wrote plays that applealed to an emerging popular audience and strongly influenced other dramatists. During Marlowe's stay at Camberidge and London he wrote many plays and poems including "Tamburine 1 and 2"," The Jew of Malta "," Edward II", "The Passionate Shepard to his love", "Hero and Leander", "The Tra0gical History of Doctor Faustus", and others.