Chocolate: the historical background of the cacao plants origin.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
The Theobroma cacao tree is native to the American tropical rainforest, originating in clumps along the riverbanks in the Amazon basin on the eastern equatorial slopes of the Andes. The plant has evolved to utilize the shade of the heavy canopy from the rainforest. It can grow up to fifteen meters, but the harvesting crops are trimmed down to six meters, so that they are easier to maintain and harvest. They trees can live for …

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…chocolate it can consume. Baker's chocolate, is the most dangerous because it is the most potent and contains the highest levels of natural cacao. In toxic quantities, chocolate causes vomiting, rapid and sometimes irregular heartbeats, muscle tremors, and even death. A dog weighing ten pounds can consume ten ounces of milk chocolate before it becomes lethal, but because baker's chocolate is much more potent, the same dog could only eat one ounce of pure chocolate.