Chinese fire bellied toad

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Natural History The Chinese fire bellied toad also known as Bombina orientalis is one of 6 members of the genus Bombina. It is found at 1700-3000 m above sea level in southeastern Siberia, northeastern China and Korea. It spends most of the time floating or swimming in ponds and streams. They will grow to a size of 5-6 cm. They are green or brown with black spots and patches, except for the ventral region that is …

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…in the aquarium and the frogs are going to spend a lot of time floating among these. You should keep the temperature at 68-75ºF. Call A dark, musical "OOP....OOP....OOP", separated by intervals of over 1.5 sec. combined with spherically inflated trunk and throat, revealing the colored spot on the throat. The chorus sounds creepy and solemn at the same time. Young animals call more brightly, like the older Yellow-bellied toads.