China as Most Favored Nation

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
The most-favored-nation status, given by the United States, is very important in China's run to become the world's strongest nation. China is a sleeping giant that just needs the opportunity to wake up, and China believes that the United States granting them the most-favored-nation status is this opportunity. China has the world's largest population with lots of untapped potential. Opening this enormous market to the United States is very advantageous to both countries if they …

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…On Textiles." New York Times. February 3, 1997. np "Market Access and Protocol Commitments." April 1999. Morrison, Wayne M. "91121: China-U.S. Trade Issues." November 27, 1996 Robertson III, Grayson R. "The China-MFN Controversy: Case For Maintaining China's MFN Status Part 1." V.L. "US Cracks Down On Chinese Textiles." China Business Review. May/Jun 1991. Vol. 18 Issue 3 p7.