China and the Invasion, Implications and Intervention of the Korean War

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Max Hastings, an author of several novels dealing with numerous war events including The Korean War stated that, "[t]here is no evidence that China played a significant role in the North Korean decision to go to war. ". This paper will clash with Max Hastings' scholarly statement because the Chinese must have been intimately involved in the process of creating the Korean War in order to be able to defeat American, South Korean, and United …

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…Conflict in Korea: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, California. ABC-CLIO, Inc., 1999. Jones, Peter and Kevill, Sian. China and the Soviet Union: 1949-84. United States of America. Facts on File, Inc., 1985. Korea Institute of Military History. The Korean War: Volume 2. Seoul, Korea. Korea Institute of Military History, 1998. Hastings, Max. The Korean War. New York. Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1987. Sheng, Michael M. China's Decision to Enter the Korean War. <>.