Child Abuse in Canada and the United States

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
When thinking of a child, the only thing that runs through a normal mind of a non-abuser should be thoughts of innocence, purity, and youth. Child abuse is the last thing that any child should fear, or any parent should consider. There is no way to hide the harsh differences that the world has to offer, nor is there a way to tell for sure if the children of today's society are absolutely safe from …

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…increased, and society should change to zero tolerance. The federal government should have the authority to intervene on the matter, and all the power should not just lay in the hands of the state and local governments. There are hundreds of thousands of children who are physically abused each year. It is unfortunate to say that thousands die. For those children that do survive, the emotional trauma lasts long after the external bruises have healed.