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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
"The Asiatic Cheetah classifies as a critically endangered species due to an estimated population of less than 50 mature individuals." In the last century the cheetah's range and numbers have steadily declined. Cheetahs have disappeared largely due to uncontrolled killing by humans for sport. Today the cheetah is apparently extinct or nearly extinct in all these areas, except or nearly extinct in all these areas, except for east, central, and South Africa. We need to start …

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…species because there are just a few Cheetahs left. This is why we should not kill the animals that belong to endangered specie because the natural balance in the ecosystem is needed for the survival of some other specie. We must try to keep the balance for our own survival. In my opinion the Acinonyx jubatus, well known as the Cheetah, will not survive because there are not much cheetahs left in the whole world.