"Charles de Gaulle Eulogy".

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Essay Database > History > European History
Charles de Gaulle Eulogy I met Charles in the hospital wing during WWI. He had just sustained his second of what would be three trips to the infirmary during that First World War. My job was to fix him up just enough so he could hobble back to the front lines. I'd say I did a pretty good job considering he could barely walk when he limped into the hospital, but unfortunately a week later …

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…Charles was voted first president of the Fifth Republic. He led his country through the Algerian crisis by granting Algeria its freedom in 1962, and the student demonstrations of 1968. Charles resigned in 1969 when he felt his leadership wasn't best for the country. He died a year later at his home in Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises working on his memoirs. There is not much else to say about Charles. He was a great man, and we will all miss him.