Character's Motivation in Pedro Paramo: Focus on Susana San Juan.

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The suffering and struggles of people is a key theme in Juan Rulfo's Pedro Páramo. For the dead of Comala, the desire of eternal rest, a way to Heaven, is a struggle shared by almost all, except for Susana San Juan. Susana's true motivation is to be the manager of her own happiness, the ruler of herself, in a society in which women had no sovereignty over their own lives. Susana's first …

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…depths of her destiny. In a conversation with Justina, Susana calmly denies her very soul to God, "I only believe in hell" (Rulfo 110) creating an undeniable defiant independence from the most powerful supreme ruler in her universe. It is in her death and chosen damnation of her soul, Susana claims true independence from the controlling forces over her life. Works Cited Rulfo, Juan. Pedro Páramo. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Grove, 1994.