Character Analysis: Tom from Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Tom is a slave and the main character in the novel and the movie 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. He is a passive person, not getting into any trouble (at least that he intentionally caused), he is very religious, kind to all people, black or white, and just a good person all around. Tom has many roles as a slave. On the first farm, Tom is employed as the farms' bookkeeper. He counts the crops coming in …

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…he was a religious man who followed the Bible. <Tab/>The two scenes from the video that reflected his true character would be: 1.<Tab/>He dives into the river off the steamboat to try to help the little girl that he didn't even know. 2.<Tab/>He refuses to tell Simon where the two runaways have gone, and gets beaten to death for it.