Chainsaw Hazards

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
There are a number of hazards that are associated with a chainsaw. Some of them are danger from the saw blade damage to limbs, splinters/sawdust in the eyes, danger from felled branches, hearing damage due to the noise level of saw operation, kickback of the blade, danger from clothing getting stuck in the blade of the chainsaw and danger from Fuel leakage and fire hazard. Since it is impossible to write all the hazards …

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…have also made the warning signal colorful to make sure that the user easily notices it. Placement, I have placed the warning sign at a place where it very likely to be seen. Novelty, I really don't think that a chainsaw warning needs a novelty like voice synthesis and lights. Type, I do remind the user of the fact that there is a sharp blade present and that it is can cause a serious injury.