Cerebral palsy

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Cerebral (Cerebral- Of or relating to the brain or cerebrum) Palsy (Palsy- A weakening or debilitating influence) is a disorder usually caused by brain damage occurring at or before birth and marked by muscular impairment. Often it is accompanied by poor coordination. It sometimes involves speech and learning difficulties. There are no actual problems with the muscles or nerves; it is the damage to the motor portions of the brain which disrupt the control movement …

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…private institutions. Prevention is the only true way to overcome Cerebral Palsy. In order to prevent cerebral palsy, however, scientists must first understand the complex process of normal brain development and what can make this process go away. As researchers continue to explore new treatments for cerebral palsy and to expand our knowledge of brain development, we can expect significant medical advances to prevent Cerebral Palsy and many other disorders that strike in early life.