Censorship of pornography could harm the goals of feminists.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
A concern that has come to the forefront of debate by feminist groups in recent years is the censorship of pornography. After reading arguments for and against the censorship of pornography, I have come to the conclusion that censorship of pornography would harm feminist's goals by repressing the principle of freedom of expression and creating more difficulties that could possibly repress their own feminist goals. Helen E. Longino's view is that pornography is immoral and …

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…I believe that censorship will only push back the goals of feminists. Some reasons for the argument prove to be sound on the outside, but when broken down could do more harm than good to the liberation of women that feminists strive for. I know some people will disagree with me, but if this were censored there would be no one to argue and disagree with. Thus, the truth could quite possibly never be known.