Causes of the Russian Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
During the reign of the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas, the Russian Revolution broke out. It is a revolution which changed the lives of many and left alone a few. Even the ruling class which had ruled over Russia for centuries can't escape from the changes. People are repressed for years and are trying to find a way to escape and the only solution is to rebel. There are big and small events, all reasons …

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…the Bolsheviks and rebel against the Tsar. After Rasputin's death and the time of WWI, Russia had reached its highest point and the revolution broke out. If the Russian Revolution never occurred, then Russia wouldn't be in its position today. Revolutions didn't occur in other countries because each person had rights and freedom. People repressed in Russia finally gained freedom after the revolution; the revolution was a success to many but a nightmare to others.