Causes for Violent Crimes.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Causes for Violent Crimes The political right believes that the root cause of violent crime is bad genes or bad morals. Not so, says the left. The root cause of violent crime is bad housing or dead-end jobs. I believe that while doing something about the causes of violence surely requires a political ideology, the only way we can determine what those causes are in the first place is to check our ideologies at the …

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…beyond blame. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the World (pp.406-408). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. Wilkerson, I. (1994). Two boys, a debt, a gun, a victim: The face of violence. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the World (pp.324-328). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. Wilson, W. (1996). When work disappears. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the World (pp.356-362). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's.