Capitalism conditions us to accept whats on the table. What democracy?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Why is it that we're so happy when we go on holiday? When we come back, we look good, feel good, and even taste good. We're stress-free, relaxed, and open to suggestion. You know why? Because that's where we want to be - in the sun - by the beach - or whatever does it for u. Total bliss. Why are we here? Life aint about working 50hours a week being deprived of our freedom …

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…absurd -ludicrous-madness! Rushing home for sitcoms, dramas and soaps! I WONT DO IT!! AND NEITHER SHOULD U!!! Im not even gonna go down the road of Corporate criminality - Enron - Consumerism - Alienation - Capitalism - class struggle, Cos this f**king essay would go on forever! Do yourself a favour: Go to google and look up these issues. Please try and use your head! BEAT THE SYSTEM - DON'T LET IT BEAT U