Capital punishment

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT To kill or not to kill, that is the question. For a long time, human rights activists tussled with governments over the application of capital punishment. In the U.S. especially, they actively protest against what they call 'a crime against humanity', lobbying Congress, and staging demonstrations. They were so effective that capital punishment, which was once legal in the States, was driven out of several states altogether. Elsewhere, it is much more …

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…beneficial to the criminal at the expense of the victim. It serves as a regulating factor to check extremism and deviltry. It also serves as an emphasis to society at large that crime pays. After all, would-be criminals have a choice to life or death, encapsulated in the 'well-worn' phrase: "Shall I or shall I not?" -- That should be their question. THE END REFERENCES : - The Holy Bible, King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984.