Capital Punishment Essay.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Law 12 - LG #5 Capital Punishment Essay I believe that capital punishment (the death penalty) should not be reinstated in Canada. Four main reasons for this argument are on the basis of deterrence, retribution, wrongful sentencing, and prejudice towards the accused person. Those people who think that deterrence justifies sending certain criminals to their death bear the burden of proving that the death penalty is a deterrent. The conclusion from many years of studies is that …

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…been put to death for the murder of a black person. These facts and arguments show that the death penalty is a bad idea. With no proof of being a deterrent, the immaturity of revenge, the chance of sending a person to their death for a crime they did not commit, and unfair prejudices, there is little reason to reinstate the death penalty. Until these reasons are eliminated, the death penalty must not be reinstated.