Capital Punishment - The Pros and Cons

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Capital Punishment is the legal infliction of the death penalty. This is implemented if someone is found guilty of committing a capital offence. This is crime punishable by death. The main crimes that result in capital punishment are murder and treason. There is a difference between murder and manslaughter. Manslaughter is when someone kills another person but the murder is thought to be unintentional and the death penalty is not used for this. Murder is …

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…it obviously isn't a good deterrent to violent crimes. I also think that if you execute someone for murder, you are putting them out of their misery and the only people who are suffering are the families of both the victim and the person that is executed. I disagree with capital punishment and I don't think it should be used as I don't think it is a deterrent to violent crime. By, Sean Mc Quade