Canada's so-called democracy in the 1800's-- Upper and Lower Canada

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
So Called Democracy <Tab/>In Canada, democracy in our history and democracy now are two different things. In the 1800's, people weren't given nearly as many rights and freedoms, even though it was a democracy. Women did not have any rights and the government looked much different. <Tab/>In Upper and Lower Canada in the past, the government looked much different. For example, the colonial government could …

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…to prove our guilt instead of our innocence as in non-democratic nations. Modern democracy in Canada gives us many rights and freedoms. <Tab/>In conclusion, life in Upper and Lower Canada in the 1800's was not nearly as free because democracy did not mean the same thing then as it does now. Because of the early struggles of our own Canadian citizens, Canada is a much better place to live today.