Canada's Endangered Species

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Grassland National Park, in Canada, is located just north of Montana. A vast, grassy flatland that, because it is treeless, the sky seems to meet the land in all directions. There is no protection from the elements because of the nature of theland. Despite the extreme weather, Grassland harbors many endangered species. One of these species is the swift fox. Trying to save the fox has been the focus of a major recovery effort for …

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…are working together on a program that appears to have promise. Despite the positive but limited results of the Universities programs, Canada does not appear to have the will to develop a successful endangered species program . " If everything happens the way it looks like it's going to happen, Canada's going to adopt a bogus law", says Evans. "And mark my words: Having a bad endangered species law is worse than having no law at all".