Canada - The benefits of immigration

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Benefits of Immigration Immigration issues are discussed from very different viewpoints. Some people argue that immigration has nothing but huge costs. Expenses like ESL (English as a Second Language) costs, the increase in crime associated with foreign criminality and the insecurity after September 11 terrorist attack have made people to question if immigration should increase. In my opionion, immigration has a lot of benefits and is an asset to any country. It encourages economic growth and …

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…big value to their new country. Canada becomes not only rich in an economical direction but also in a cultural way. Of couse, immigration has costs, but all in one, Canada benefits from opening its doors to skilled workers, enterpreneurs, businessmen, refugees and relatives of people already settled in this country. Immigration stimulates the social, cultural and economic life of Canada. Therefore, Immigration should not decrease, as it is beneficial in maintaining Canada's current reputation.