Can We Be Both Free and Obliged to Obey the State?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Can We Be Both Free and Obliged to Obey the State? All relationships, be it political or personal, involve some degree of obedience and obligation. The main one of these is the relationship between the individual and the state. The individual is bound to obey the laws that are enforced by the state, regardless of whether they want to or not. Reasons that people do obey the state are simple. Penalties for breaking laws are …

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…himself the author of his decisions, he will resist the states claim to have authority over him.' Basically he points out the one fact that stands through any laws- humans are not naturally law abiding. Forcing a human to obey any kind of law goes against their very nature, and thus restricts and oppresses them. Therefore, while we have any type of law and obligation to the state, true Freedom can never be realised.