COMPLETE Book Report on the book Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

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English Honors 1 Dandelion Wine By: Ray Bradbury The story starts off at night when everyone is asleep, describing how the air was Summery. Douglas Spalding, a 12-year-old boy, is introduced. He lives in a 3-story cupola. One night each week he was allowed to go to his grandparents cupola and wake the town. He yells out to the town, to wake everyone up. Then it is mentioned that it is 1928. That morning he broke a …

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…grandmother. Her grandmother cant see very well but she makes great food. Doug's aunt tries to help and buys her glasses and recipes and rearranges the kitchen. The next time Grandma cooks and her food is horrible. Doug outs the kitchen all back the way it was and his grandmother makes good food again. The whole family talks about the whole summer, from shoes, to happiness machine, to the green machine. The whole summer of 1928.