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Essay Database > History
Civil Rights Movements has had a lot of prominent figures. However, two have shared the same successful method of nonviolence protest. The two leaders that share this method are Mohandis Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Through Nonviolence protest they have achieved their goals and reached many people as a result. Though they lived in a different era than I, both of them have left their legacy through their writing. Mohandis Gandhi left many …

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…to be, for his cause, one of the strongest tools in nonviolent protesting. Mohandis K. Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are probably the most respected civil rights activists on the plant called Earth today. The reason for that is simple. They both achieved their goals without an ethnic war. Other activist would have used other methods such as terrorism, which would have resulted in many lives lost. They proved nonviolence works! ESSAY ASSIGNMENT