CBBE applying ALDO(shoe retailer)

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
Brief introduction of ALDO ALDO Shoes is founded. It is a footwear concession within a chain of popular fashion boutiques. The original group includes 4 Canadian stores in Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City and Winnipeg. 1980 - 1993 Expansion By 1980, the company becomes independent and prospers. Over the course of the next 13 years, 95 freestanding stores operate under the trade name ALDO. 1993 - 2001 Evolution ALDO initiates its retail entry into the U.S. market. The first ALDO U.S. store …

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…been possible recently, ALDO needs to more time to build connections with customers. Strength : The Campaign fight against AIDS has been received really good impressions by customers. Since at their campaign, ALDO didn't mention about product at all, it is successful to create pure good image. Recommendation Nowadays, internet users are increasing. E-tailing is really good opportunity. We recommend ALDO focus on E-tailing by getting people to know it's website through banner advertisement and flyers.