Business at Work

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Pages: 33
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
E1 Business at Work 1.0Introduction The company I will be looking at is Geo-Adams. This is a company that produces meat products such as a variety of pies and sausages. It's quite a large company with factories all over the country, the local ones being Spalding and Ruskington. I will be looking at the one just outside Ruskington. I have decided to do this as during the summer I worked there and I feel that …

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…from a particular section (often with their supervisor) meet regularly in company time to discuss ways of improving quality and productivity. In a way this is used in George Adams as the management in the factory discuss these matters but the subordinates are never involved in this. This would make the company better as these groups would constantly come up with ideas to improve the factory and therefore the company is bound to be improved.