"Bush, Tumulty, and Strauss" synthesis of article "Making His Case" by Karen Tumulty, "Attacking Iraq, Think Again," by Mark Strauss, & speech on Oct 8, 2002, by Pres Bush.

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The people of the United States and their leaders are, at this time, facing some of the largest challenges that this country has ever encountered. Decisions have to be made and Americans need to have more assurance that they're the right ones. As presented in his speech in Cincinnati on October 8, President George W. Bush determinatively speaks about doing something about the problem of terrorist threats and of Saddam Hussein, with or without allied support. …

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…Iraqi people may welcome liberation from a tyrant. Let us hope that this happens. If this does occur, let the fighting be mercifully brief, the casualties few and the American victory complete. Works Cited Bush, George W. "Saddam Hussein is a Threat to Peace." The oncoming war of Iraq. Cincinnati. 8 Oct. 2002. Elliot, Michael. "America On Guard." Time. 8 Oct. 2002: 30 Strauss, Mark. "Attacking Iraq. (Think Again). Foreign Policy. March 2002. Tumulty, Karen. "Making His Case." Time. 16 Sept. 2002: 21-24.