Burning Down the Doll House

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
'Til death do us part.' Well, not always. Everywhere one looks the violent shredding of a family is shrugged off like the daily weather, and the treasured marriage vows have become nothing but a promise made to be broken. Going against all the odds a woman faced in the late nineteenth century, Nora went behind her husband's back, borrowed a large sum of money, forged her father's signature, and went on to pay it …

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…is an exception to the rule. In order to ensure a wonderful and happy life together, any dollhouse must be burnt to the ground, and the lighter fluid must be the fuel of loyalty, love, and trust. Nora walks out on her family to find a new life and discover herself. When the smoke is cleared, the wonderful bond of marriage can be enjoyed to its fullest extent, and 'til death do us part.'