Brave new world and Blade runner essay, exploring contexts

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The novel Brave New world, composed by Aldous Huxley and the film, Blade runner produced by Ridley Scott are both texts which can be classified as science fiction, nevertheless, It must be noted that both texts were created in contrasting historical social contexts. Huxley wrote the novel in 1932- post World War 1, during a period of change and disillusionment. A period marked by brutal dictatorships, mass persecution and depression. . Huxley's choice of character names, subtly …

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…city and large visual, electronic advertising signs peer ominously over a dwarfed humanity. A blimp drifting above the sordid conditions frequently informs its audience of a better life in the Off-World colonies. Its message claims, "A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure." The environment in Blade Runner is a grave warning of the hazards that can result from modern technology