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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Introduction Nowadays, there are millions of consumers worldwide. There is a huge amount of products from different suppliers, from different countries, with different packing designs and names. But on the inside those products are more or less similar. Which one to choose is the question. Most people would pick the one which they either tried before or the one which they heard about. As a result some products are selling better, than the other ones. …

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…to reach the success. It is a way to create a communication between producers and consumers. It takes a lot of time and talent to create a good brand. The List of References 1.G.L. Bagiev, "Marketing". Moscow, 1999. 2. 3. 4. 5."The World's Greatest Brands", New York, 1997 6.Howard Minz, "Money and Power. "The history of business". Moscow, 2002 7. 8.