Bound to be Different

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
BOUND TO BE DIFFERENT People have many heroes in their lives that they look up to, but as one ad states: "Who are your heroes? Did you name an actor? Did you name an athlete? (Did you name any women?) Why don't we think of women as heroes? Maybe it's because no one ever shows them to us. We have to take the time to find them, celebrate them, and make sure these heroes are …

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…else knows? A hero doesn't have to save a busload of school kids from certain disaster. Or score the winning point in the big game. A hero can be anyone who inspires you, anyone you look up to, anyone who cheers you on, makes you better than you were before-just as they made themselves better than they were before. Do you know a hero? Tell her. Then tell everyone" (Sports Illustrated for Women, Nike Advertisement).