Bound to Be Free.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
So many things hold us down in life, fear of people, fear of the past or future, fear of danger, fear of punishment, fear of remembering sad things that hurt us, and guilt for the things that we have done wrong. Freedom is possible from all of these fears. You can be free to be yourself. You can be free to be what you were made to be, to fulfill the purpose that you were …

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…to ask yourself, is, "What responsibilities do I, as an American, have toward insuring freedom for all people in America?" Also, "What responsibilities do I, as an American, have toward insuring respect for our diversity today, and in the future? Our country would be even more free, if every single person, every single day, took time out to ask themselves those questions. Will you take a stand for your country? Will you do what's right?